Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion

Last night I stayed home and watched Jericho instead of going to roller derby practice. I had a few different reasons, most of them not that good. Mostly, it was because practice was cancelled in favor of an emergency meeting because supposably an email's been going around and it's rumored that another team is planning to take over our team and change our name and logo and I dunno, make us bear their alien babies or some such. I don't do emergency meetings, I only do practices. So I excused myself. Later in the day it was revealed to be a lot of drama over nothin', so the meeting was downgraded to orange alert and practice was reinstated. By that time I really looking forward to watching TV so I did.

I picked up my bridesmaid's dress from the cleaners where I took it to get hemmed and altered a lil' bit, and the lil' korean seamstress presented it with a flourish and a cunning smile which was really cute and distracted me from the fact that I'm pretty sure it cost too much. But what do I know of such things. Nothing! Nada!

I'm totally ready to do nothing again tonight, but I have therapy, and I was supposed to make a list of jobs/careers I might want which I totally didn't do... So I'll do it now!

Jobs I want:

Food Taster or Perfume Sniffer: I would actually love to do this. I'd love to develop my palate and be able to be like, "hmm, the hint of jasmine really overpowers the cat-pee binder, but I think the organza is too much in front of the bouquet." The cool thing is, it's a real job. The lame thing is, I think you have to have a bunch of chemistry degrees. Me + science + NOT.

Oral Historian: Heh, I said oral. Anyways, I like listening to those NPR Story Corp dealies where regular type people interview each other. It's kind of like being a professional nosy gossip. I'm pretty curious about what people's lives are like, what they think about, and all that jazz. The downside is I'm pretty sure this isn't a real job per se, I mean I think I'd have to find a way to get paid for it and the pay'd probably be pretty sparse.

TV Watcher: I put this in only because people say you should find a way to make your job be something you like to do all the time anyway. I like watching TV. So sue me. And also, pay me. A while ago Lil' Italian Redhead and I were looking into being transcribers for shows, I forget the word for it but where you type the words so deaf people can read 'em. Again, not so much money in that.

More as I think of them...


Blogger Renpup said...

Whew--at least the Jersey City rollers aren't going to make you have their alien babies. I was concerned for a little while there.

11:56 AM  

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