Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mixed feelings

So yesterday I showed my pro editor mom my rewrite, and she pointed out the inconsistent hyphenation and the fact that since it's a sales letter, I should have moved an "act now!" sentence from the end to the beginning. Then she told me not to quit my day job because she thinks I probably have stiff competition. It made me feel fairly depressed. I know this wasn't her intention; like me and like everyone else who writes, we just don't bother to pull any punches.

It was kind of an emotional rollercoaster (roller coaster? roller-coaster? Arghle-barghle!) day anyway. I've been working a long-term temp assignment in a software liberry, filling in for someone who left on short-term disability due to, as far as anyone can tell, nervous exhaustion. (Or perhaps the vapors.) The person's disability is up Dec. 1, so I kind of assumed I'd be moving on to something else next week.

However, yesterday I got the news that the person has officially resigned. The company is going to advertise the job and they invited me to apply. I got taken out to coffee so they could tell me this news, which is a pretty good sign; the treating of potential hires to free food or drink tends to be a wooing rather than a discouraging tactic. At the least, I'll be temping here until they find someone else. So, I should be pretty happy. After all, the economy is tanking blah blah blah current event-cakes.

I kind of am happy. I'll definitely apply and take the job if I can get it, and put lots of effort into doing it well. So, yay. Sort of. Sort of because part of me feels like it shouldn't be this easy, and conversely, going after and getting a job of my choice, which I've so far been completely un-sucessful doing, shouldn't be this hard.

I probably am just sinking into my yearly winter malaise. It doesn't help that my throat has swollen up - apparently my lymph nodes are busily manufacturing white blood cells to combat yet another cold/virus threat. I don't want another cold, dammit. And I want to be a part-time rewriter. So there.


Blogger 3pennyjane said...

You could take the job and also work through some editing books, the better to become a rewriter known throughout the laaaand, if that were to float your boat.

I'm-a get me onna them sun lamps this year. I'll let you know if it helps with the winter despond; it might be an insurable investment.

7:13 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Mom swears by the solar lanterns. I like booze, personally.

Part-time is totally doable in conjunction with a make-mad-money job. Plus, you will be making connections for potentially going all freelancey/independent-contractory. Keep pursuing!

7:31 AM  
Blogger walkinhomefromthethriftstore said...

I think the malaise has less to do with lack of sunlight and more to do with it being cold and harder to drive and full of holidays. So booze it is!

I doubt this will be a make-mad-money job, although I'm hoping it'll be more than the temp money, but it will be full time avec benefits, so that's good.

And yes, I have plans to go back to school and read books and all that good stuff.

7:40 AM  
Blogger atomic cate said...

i think you're going about this the wrong way. traditional plan: quit your job, become a writer, then depressed, then an alcoholic, then settle in for a long bout of TB or rickets or something.

The Vapors have claimed another victim. But they had such a catchy song!

12:54 PM  

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