Monday, November 10, 2008

Say hello to my new obsession

I don't have a picture to upload here, but I will say that the object of my affection has been extensively blogged about already, so there are many pictures out there. Of...


I hung out with the ChriShawn and Lil' Italian Redhead: The Sister Version on Saturday night. We played some rousing pop culture trivial pursuit, and then watched some of P2: The Movie About That Chick Trapped In A Parking Garage With a Psycho Garage Attendant (most yelled comment: "Bitch, tase him! Tase him now!")Then after the attendant was duly blown up, (with a taser,) we decided we were hungry and so we went to Denny's. It was a tossup between Denny's and IHOP, and I'm so glad Shawn insisted on Denny's, because they have the most amazing, most disgustingly satisfying, egregiously unnecessary appetizer ever invented. It's called Potachos, and it's kettle chips covered in queso dip with sausage, bacon, shredded cheddar cheese, green peppers and sour cream. We ordered with without the green peppers, because, seriously. What is the point of the one vegetable? No point. None.

And damn yo. The shit is so good. I announced that they're good enough to start dating someone and then break up with them just so you can call your friends and go, "We just broke up, I need to eat potachos." Shawn insisted that they're so good you don't need a reason. Potachas by themselves are reason enough.

It's part of Denny's 'Rock Star Menu'. Apparently they adopt rock bands now and invite them to invent menu items. I dunno who invented Potachos but I would like to thank them, and encourage them to give up music and embrace catering to gluttons as a career.

Unfortunately, the rock star menu is only available from 10pm-5am... and yeah, I rarely end up at a Denny's before 10pm... but still. I wish they were a lunch item as well. Because I would eat them for lunch.


Blogger atomic cate said...

Ew. And Yum.

8:25 AM  

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