Monday, December 29, 2008

Internet Anonymity

Has anyone applied for a job with the Obama administration yet? Even if you haven't, perhaps you've read that one of the items on the 25 page application (that's just a guess, but really, it is long) is: list every internet alias you've ever used. Yeah. They want to make sure they know what online shenanigans you've been up to before they hire you.

I mention this because it relates to something that's been happening for a while now to me on Facebook. I'm using a fake name on Facebook. Lately, lots of people, people who I know must have encountered teh interwebs before, have been asking me questions along the lines of "What is up with your wacky name? Is that your real name now? I had no idea who you were!" To which I say... really?

I use: Myspace, Facebook, Yahoo, one personals site, Gmail and Blogger. To date, the only account which includes my full real name is my Gmail account. This is because I use this account to send out resumes. I want potential employers to a) know my real name, and b) know that I'm not an idiot of the type who submits resumes under the email address (OMG LOLPONIES!!1!)

My Myspace name is my roller girl name, cuz I mostly network with derby types on Myspace. They know me as my derby name and most don't care much about my real one.

My yahoo account is a line from a Smiths song. I use this address for online dating correspondence. I don't need any blind dates knowing my real name until I've met them more than once and have established that they're not crazy.

My blogger name is a reference to the Teen Girl Squad cartoon on I could blog under my real name, but then I'd know folks would find it if they searched me, and then I'd feel pressure to represent myself in a certain way, and then I just wouldn't blog.

My Facebook name is a fake name referencing the fact that I don't want to be searchable. Prospective employers do search Facebook. I was in HR for a hot minute, and I know this for a fact. I'm frankly baffled that 90% of Facebook users post under their real names. Sure, anyone who really wants to find your internet presence will find it, but still... do you really want it to be that easy?


Blogger atomic cate said...

i find it ironic your blog does not allow anonymous posts. ;) (but understandable!)

12:47 PM  

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