Monday, January 08, 2007

Awesome stuff I got for Christmas

Santa was very good to me this year, despite Santa's stating that Santa really wasn't going to get me much this year, Santa went to China and is going to Patagonia and really, it's more about family anway... This is a spiel that started up a few years ago, when my sister and I were both out of college and therefore officially 'grown up.' It's always a total lie.

-brand-new Sin City Riedel 265 roller skates... mmm, new-skate smell! With lace-to-toe action, for people with deformed feet. My feet aren't defmormed just yet, but who knows what a season of skatin' will do!
-wrist-band that says, "I'm not mean, you're just a sissy"
-uber-geeky-cool glow-in-the-dark power-button T
-fuzzy socks
-four soft'n'fuzzy sweaters
-book of short stories by the woman who wrote Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, aka the best book ever
-Lisey's Story by Stephen King
-Ott lamp, to chase the winter darkness blues away
-Gothic Archies CD
-Raconteurs CD
-cool 50s style lady calendar
-blue scarf with vintage Chinese hookers printed on it, tres pretty
-uber-cool new bag
-Harajuku girl barrettes
-book of stripper pole moves
-book of how to make tshirts into cooler tshirts
-Radio Dept. CD
-New Yorker subscription
-safety-pin-pearl choker (yay!)
-marzipan chocolate piggie
-TimTams! aka the best cookie ever: 2 cookies with chocolate cream in the middle, covered in chocolate. Just 2 WW points per serving, too.



Blogger Renpup said...

Yay loot! Gooooo stuff! Hey, have you started the Susanna Clarke stories yet, have you have you have you? 'Cuz I really want to talk about how awesome they are with you, but I can't until you read 'em. So leave work now, go home, and git crackin'! Missy!

11:21 AM  

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