Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Yep. She WAS a ho.... For sho'.

Some dude at my work tried to add me as a Myspace friend, and it fully freaked me out. I don't have my real name on my profile, and I'm not Myspace-d to any work people, so I thought I was safe. Not so apparently.

Anyway, I actually have no idea who the dude is, except from the occasional email. He doesn't work on my floor. All of his Myspace friends are co-workers or former co-workers. Also, they're all guys. Also also, they're all these kind of macho, vaguely fratty/corporate but with a West New York/Jersey City twist, movin' up the ladder in the direction of finance type dudes.

So anyways, being a roller girl, I have the requisite slutty roller-girl pic up. I really have no interest in anyone I work with seein' my pic o' sluttiness. That's kind of the whole point of having an alter ego... so that stupid work people don't know it's you.

I didn't reject the friend request, I just ignored it, and I adjusted my profile so only my friends can see my pics (slutty and otherwise.)

Today, the dude in question organized one of those 'I'm going to get you in trouble'-style meetings. I know it's got nothing to do with the Myspace thing, but that doesn't stop me from getting the urge to stand up in the middle of the meeting and yell "THIS IS BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR MYSPACE FRIEND, ISN'T IT??? WELL I'M NOT YOUR CYBER-WHORE!"

In other news, failed roller-date boy desperately wants another chance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes, im reminded of just how much i love ur brain. Your world and brain, work like its own sitcom or...intriguing indie film, with so many colorful characters.

that having been said...

First, i would like to say that your office dude totally crossed the personal internet/work space boundry. HOW CREEPY! (on a totally seperate note*, playing the role of Cyber-Whore during role playing sounds kinda hot..not for him though...)

Second, I cannot STTTAAANNND fratty finance guys. CANNOT STAND THEM, they honestly make my skin crawl and sometimes make me wanna turn into my liberal superhero alter-ego...HIPPY COMMUNE WOOOOMAN....rawr! feel my dirty dread lock power as it smacks all of their heads off, leaving their calculating bodies dizzy and spinning...

Third, I love ur slutty pics. You should put more of them up. You aint got NOTHIN to hide gurl....

oh, and yay for roller skate boy :)!

8:53 PM  
Blogger 3pennyjane said...

I b'lieve the terms of art are Chipster and That Guy. Georgetown is crrrrrawling with them, all popped collars, carefully distressed caps, flip flops, and "duuuude!" mating calls. I don't wanna leave my car in that bad neighborhood.

6:00 AM  
Blogger atomic cate said...

agreed: creepy work guy. fratty finance bad. slutty pix good.

if it was a career connection site they'd call it workSpace.

poor failed roller-derby date boy! will he win another chance?

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somone from work found my myspace account. waaaaaaah waaaaaaaaah! What is so creepy about a co worker requesting you as a friend? I've never met you but I can tell that you don't have many friends. Do you? Myspace is a networking web page. If you value your privacy, then you shoud get a life and stop airing your personal business on a public web sight that anyone with an internet connection can look at.

1:45 PM  

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