Saturday, April 05, 2008


3pennyjane has inspired me. Today I started the Couch Potato to 5k program -1 minute running, 1.5 minutes walking, repeat as necessary. Yay! I slept through the many, many spinning classes I could have gone to today. If I hadn't gone work-bowling last night I could have gotten home and to bed early, and would have most likely gotten up for the classes. I also wouldn't have eaten fish and chips and a variety of deep-fried appetizers. BOWLING IS BAD. It was fun tho'. 

ANYway, why won't someone do something about how fat I am? I'm off to get some salad and a turkey sammich. 


Blogger R said...

"ANYway, why won't someone do something about how fat I am?"

Dearest Kira,

It's been brought to my attention that someone should do something about how "fat" you are. Therefore, I vow to only eat healthy things round u and not indulge you in anymore of those fried calamaris. Now dont get me wrong, the calamaris have been our friends. And crunchy yummy frieds at that. But we must realize their evil greasy plan to destroy.

Also, I vow not to smoke as much or smoke at all round u. ps: The quit plan is in the works*

I also vow to try to do more active things when we hang, like go for walks, or something that makes us all tired and breathy of a platonic nature.

You have the couch potato to 5k plan, and I now have a couch potato to Africa Refugee mission plan, so letsa get it done ! =D

-your totally supportive friend, La Loperena

7:42 PM  
Blogger walkinhomefromthethriftstore said...

Aw, YOU don't have to do anything about how fat I am. But thanks! Good luck with quitting smoking!

7:43 AM  

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