Sunday, February 25, 2007

UPS is now on my shit list

So, my friend Perpetual Studen Drummer Monkey is currently pursuing a PhD in Athens, GA. He's been pursuing it for a semester and a half now, and in all that time I've really intended to send him a care package. I sent Mrs. Pinchloaf a care package during her first year in college, and she remembers it fondly. (That's because I put twice as many marshellays in the rice crispy treats as the box calls for. And that tip's for free, budding Betty Crockers!) Anyways, undergrad, master's degree seaker or PhD candidate, a box of treats is always nice to get.

So I had a day off, and I decided to make the aforementioned treats, and some yummy No Pudge brownies, and I bought some half-priced Wallytymes day candy, threw it in a box, and trip-trapped down to my local post office. On the way tho', I saw the UPS Store. How convenient! And UPS is SO RELIABLE! You can track your package progress online! WHY NOT!

And then the guy taking my package (heh) was so nice, and he sold me the overnight delivery, cuz I thought, it'd be nice to get the treats'n'brownies before they were all stale and stuff, so why not shell out a few yen for some speediness? WHY NOT???

I'll tell you why not. I checked the tracking the next day, and got some message about how an exception had occurred, and a correct street address was needed, or a correct recipient/company name, or some such. So I called Drummer Monkey and confirmed that the addy was correct. I called UPS and was all, 'the hell?' and they were all, "Well, the driver couldn't find the address, so we sent the recipient a postcard. We'll hold the package until the 28th." And I was all, "Well, I confirmed that the address is correct. You need to TRY AGAIN." And so they put a "change request" in to the computer and said they'd try to send the package out again the next day. Not the day I called, mind you, but the next day.

So, I made and sent the package on Monday, assuming it'd get there on Tuesday. Wednesday I called Drummer Monkey, and Thursday I called UPS, so at this point, they assured me they'd try again on Friday. Saturday, I check the tracking again. It didn't say anthing about delivery, just that I'd made the request to have them try again. So, I called them again, and they said, yeah, we see that you requested to have them try again, but we don't see that they did try again.
Me: So. Do you have a complaints line?

So they took my complaint and said someone would call on MONDAY. On Monday, I better get a full refund. Also on Monday, I will be informing UPS of my intention to use USPS for all my future shipping needs. And let me tell you, when USPS is the best option? Something is seriously broken with capitalism.


Blogger Renpup said...

So, what happen? Did M. Grad Student get his package of tasty treats? Did you get a full refund from UPS?

I think it's ironical that UPS is now on your shit list, and their slogan is "what can brown do for you?"

5:14 AM  

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