Monday, February 05, 2007

How do you make tuna salad so gross?

Today I didn't bring my lunch, cuz I had a packed birthday weekend packed with birthday fun, and buying sensible groceries to bring to work for lunch is NOT part of birthday fun.

Ordinarily I go to Pantera's for lunch when I've not brought my lunch. But, it's HELLA freezing outside today and I'm a-scared to leave the comfort of my slightly warmer office building. So, I was forced to go to the cafeteria.

I went a little early - at 11:30 instead o' 12. The fifteen people on staff were completely unprepared for this, and there was no one at the register. The salad bar actually looked pretty good, but there were no salad containers out, so I had to get a pre-made salad. I got one that had a splorch of egg salad, a splorch of tuna salad , and a splorch of chicken salad over chopped greens.

The egg salad was the only splorch that was even REMOTELY good. How is it possible to make chicken salad and tuna salad so gross? Seriously! They're both creepily salty, and the chicken salad is creepily slimy. SHUDDER. I am so going grobery shopping tonight.


Blogger Renpup said...

Ewwww, salad splorches! I must admit, I'm surprised that the egg salad was the one that was the most palatable. Usually that's the one that goes nasty first, all hard-boiled eggs and warm picnic mayo and whatnot.

10:38 AM  
Blogger amy said...

splorch is the best word EVER. Other than that I got nothing.

3:05 PM  

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