Monday, January 29, 2007

Movies Movies Movies

Saturday night I saw The Last King of Scotland. I was a bit wary of seeing it because biopics are usually, you know, bio-pic-y. It's hard to make someone's life into a narrative, the actors look like they're copying archival footage, the makeup artists are working too hard, blah blah blah. But happily, Last King of Scotland jumps these obstacles nicely. I think this is because the rise and fall of a dictator is a classic story, and the narrative's already there. Also, Forrest Whittaker really kicks some actorly ass.

Don't go see it if you're squeamish about seeing people get shot in the head, or with their limbs rearranged, or tortured with hooks, etc.

Then on Sunday I saw Pan's Labyrinth, and it was so so so good. But, don't go see it if you are squeamish about needles. Seriously. Or about, like, people getting their faces repeatedly smashed with whiskey bottles. Ick.


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