Beach Fun Tymes

Aaaaah, day at the beach. Is there anything mo' greater? I think not.
So, having been to the beach exactly once last summer, I vowed that this year would be different. Luckily this year I'm friends with La Prov, who is a beach bum from way back, and Slam'n'Legs, who shares a common desire to get roasted to a golden brown of a summer. We'd invited The Mad Knitter and Belle, but they both had other obligations so it was just us tres.
We went to Island Beach State Park, which is completely gorgeous I must say. It is almost an island, hence the name, and there are like 15 beaches to choose from. I voted for one with a lifeguard on it, cuz I likes da swimmin', so our beach was a little crowded, but it really wasn't bad.
We laid out for a good four or five hours, and now I'm pretty well burned. It was soooo nice'n'relaxing tho'. The water was cold but I waded around in it anyway.
Then Legs had to leave for a Philly party, and Provi and I headed over to the Seaside Heights boardwalk. It was a bit of a nostalgia trip for me, because my folks used to take me and my sister there. It really hasn't changed. We played some cheesy gamblin' games and I got some funnel cake, and then we had dinner at the Tiki Hut and rolled on home.
Good times, my friends. Good times.
awesome picture of seaside. : )
<3 Cut Throat
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