Sunday, December 30, 2007


Q. What's up with those scratches on your hands?

A. I do roller derby, and I have sensitive skin. The scratches are eczema, an allergic reaction to the wrist-guards and protective padding I wear so I don't break anything while skating.

Q. That looks like it hurts. Does it?

A. No. It itches sometimes but really it just looks gross.

Q. Can't you get something from the dermatologist to treat it?

A. I have something I use to treat it. It's a steroid cream. Unfortunately, the prescription I got isn't quite strong enough.

Q. Why don't you go back and get a stronger one?

A. Because it's a pain to make a doctor's appointment. Also, steroidal creams cause skin-thinning over time, so I'm not in a big rush to get crazy-strong steroids and end up with really thin skin. That just sounds like it'd be even grosser.

Q. I don't understand why your Christmas is on Jan. 7th. Do you celebrate 3 King's Day instead?

A. No, it's really Christmas. I'm Orthodox, and we've got the old-school calendar. Western Jan. 7th is Orthodox old-calendar December 25th.

Q. So why isn't your Easter two weeks' later than mine?

A. I have no idea. It's lunar or some junk.


Blogger atomic cate said...

oh man, i got all but one of those right! do i win a prize? what's that? it's not a quiz? dang.

8:11 AM  
Blogger R said...


4:47 PM  

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