Monday, December 03, 2007

Party party party!

This week is chock full of partyliciousness.

1. The salon I go to is having a Beauty Event tomorrow night. Cocktails! Hors D'oeuvres! Gift bags! Hair demo's! I'm totally going to brave the cold and walk there and down drinks and watch hair demo's. The flyer says it's a Must Attend for all Beauty Fans! I'm such a beauty fan, it's like, not even funny.

2. Goodbye lunch at work on Thursday. I've had to go to many a goodbye lunch, and usually at TGI McCrapperson's or Chili's. This time around, because it's for me, I got to pick, and I pick Houlihan's! Yaaaaay! Altho', comparing Hooligan's to TGI Mccrapperson's reminds me of that scene in Office Space where the guy meets Jennifer Aniston for lunch at Flinger's, on her lunch hour from Tchotchke's, and she says, "This place is nice. I like the uniforms, anyway." What I mean is, it's not that much better, but it feels like it's better.

3. Work holiday party. I might not go. It's at a hotel and the food will probably be good but, meh. It's the same day as my goodbye lunch so I'll already be full of salty fatty foods.

4. GSR season ending Dress to Kill party. I am going to get s-faced. So if anyone has a problem with that, they can go eff. Em-effers!

The day after the GSR party, I have a ticket to hear Itzhak Perlman at NJPAC, one of four 10 dollah tickets that La Prov was kind enough to hook me up with. Will I be too hungover? Or will the virtuoso violinny-ness be soothing enough? Only the weekend will tell.


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