Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Yeah, so...

I know everyone already knows this, but I can't stop saying it - it's hot. I'm traumatized. I don't deal with it well. I keep thinking it's hotter this summer than it was last summer, and then I remember that's not really true - it's just I've spent more of it this time without AC. 

My apartment doesn't have central air. I was all set to buy a window unit but my roommate said he had a spare in the storage basement. So Monday rolled around and it turned out that the spare had been stolen. Monday night I tried sleeping sans AC. It didn't work so well. (My strategy: hugging bags of frozen peas. I'm not kidding.) I went in to work secure in the knowledge that I could revel in corporate AC. Guess what broke. It didn't happen until late afternoon and there was enough residual cool air that it was sort of ok - I mostly noticed I was sort of dizzy after a while. 

My roommate had said he was going to pick up some new AC at home depot, so on my way home I was all, 'man it'll be nice to go home to a cooler house!' What did I see upon arrival but whole blocks of my town all powerless. Seems there was a fire at the power station. I fled to my old roomate's house, which was unaffected, and watched cable in her AC. 

Finally I went home, the power was back on and the new AC unit (heh, I keep saying unit) was happily chugging away. I, however, am exhausted still.  Hopefully today and tonight will put me to rights - I plan to be out of work at a reasonable hour and snuggled in a cool bed as soon as I get home. 


Blogger Renpup said...

I was just getting ready to blog about how hot it is, but you beat me to the punch. And I can't even really complain that much because my central a/c works both at work and at home. And I can hang out at the pool. So...I guess I'm gonna have to find something else to blog about. Awww, maaaaan!

7:03 AM  
Blogger walkinhomefromthethriftstore said...

Yeah, that's right! Go find your own lame topic! i took this lame one! Aaaah, I'm kiddin'. Feel free to blarg away. D.C. hot is different from NYC hot anyway. P.S.: the AC is STILL out at my office.

7:17 AM  

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