Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Update: Ow ow ow ow ow!

In keeping with my not really a new year's resolution to lose weight, I hit da gym on Sunday. I did arm weight machines, which I haven't done in like two years. I took it slow and easy, lifting 15 pounds at most, and only ten for the majority of the exercises. And now I am in SO MUCH PAIN. I'm crazy sore about the arms, to the point where I am having trouble lifting them up beyond waist height. Crazy!

In terms of writeration, I spent almost two whole hours working on a story yesterday. I did not feel at all like writing when I got home, and when I opened the current thing I've been working on I was like, wow, this is just awful, really; really really terrible. So I wrote for ten minutes and then switched to watching Dr. Who, but then I actually felt worse because I wasn't writing. So I went back to writing and managed to keep going for quite a while, to the point where I didn't hate myself or what I was working on anymore. So I guess it's becoming a habit, which is good. Hopefully I can finish this one, and then I'm going to rewrite the hell out of it.


Blogger atomic cate said...

writing junkie! writing junkie!

6:51 AM  

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