Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I finished my story last night. Well, maybe I just ended it. I got to a point where something unexpected happened, and it seemed like an ending. It's probably not - it's probably the kind of thing where the reader's going to be all, 'well THAT came out of NOwhere, what the eff, this story sucks." But, I like it, so when I revisify I'm going to try to build to the ending I wrote.

So, revisification things:
1. Go back and reset the dominoes so they fall to the new ending. I think they'll just have to be readjusted. I don't think I'm creating a whole new line of dominoes. I do think the line may have to be lengthened in order to them to fall where I want them to.

2. Read the story out loud. This is an exercise from The First Five Pages. It has to do with hearing how the words and sentences sound.

3. Take out all the adjectives and put them back in again. Also from The First Five Pages.

4. Take out and put in dialogue. Also from The First Five Pages. Right now, my story is very heavy on dialogue, very light on character/setting description, so this will be necessary.

So that's the plan. Tonight o' course I'll be dining in state rather than revising a story. Pour the wine and flambe the goose, for I am almost one year older! Laissez les bon temps ROULEZ!


Blogger atomic cate said...

omg omg omg savour some for me!

7:40 AM  
Blogger walkinhomefromthethriftstore said...

Oh I will. I'll be savouring some for five or six people, if last time is anything to go by (e.g. I ate a LOT, y'all.)

7:54 AM  

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