Monday, February 02, 2009

I am all talk, and also, I am all sleep

I planned to finish my story this weekend, but only planned in the sense that I thought, 'that'd be a good thing to do this weekend.' I didn't actually make a plan for how I was going to accomplish this, and so it didn't come to pass.

I did stay up until midnight watching Dr. Who Season 4 with Lil' Italian Redhead, which, omgsoawesomeponieslol!11! Then I managed to sleep in until NOON on Saturday. I'd expected to sleep in, but until maybe 9 or 10am... I guess I was pretty well tired. The rest of the day was devoted to glamourousness preparations, as Atomicate and I were going to my company's 10 year anniversary party at the Clarendon Ballroom. Serious glamorfication took a couple of hours, and then serious canape-eating happened at the event, which was very nice I must say. The free booze and hors doovers were plenteous and delicious.

Sunday I had to go to Old Navy and buy much-needed work clothes, and then I went for a walk with Mrs. Pinchloaf and watched the first half of the supabowl with her and Mr. Pinchloaf and the Pinchmuffin. Go Stillers!

Meanwhile, my story sat on the computer, all unfinished. Note to self: actually make plans to accomplish things rather than just talking 'bout it.

So NOW I want to finish it this week. The writing time will be tonight, Wednesday night and Thursday night, and then will start, and I'm serious this time, the revisification. The ultimate goal: to have it ready for crit by Feb. 25th.


Blogger atomic cate said...

you'll have plenty of time on wednesday, cos you know it's THRILLER! THRILLER NIGHT!

all my new work pants came from Old Navy. w00t!

12:50 PM  
Blogger walkinhomefromthethriftstore said...

The night we talk about a genre I don't even like! (Ooow! di-do do do do doot doot!Di-do do do do doot doot!)

1:46 PM  
Blogger atomic cate said...

it's after work, now
and the event is just about to start
don't be a jerk, now
remember all this crap is from the heart
you start to scream
but at B&N that's probably uncivil
you can't believe
someone wrote and submitted this drivel
your soul starts to shrivel!

but it's thriller, thriller night
the night we talk about a genre i don't even like
you know it's thriller, thriller night
you're fighting to be nice at the killer, thriller night!

7:01 AM  
Blogger walkinhomefromthethriftstore said...

(shuffle, shuffle, step, shoulder! Shuffle, shuffle, step, shoulder! Swivel, and shoulder. Swivel, and shoulder. Advance. Advance. Run away! Hip thrust.)

7:06 AM  
Blogger walkinhomefromthethriftstore said...

Thriller just is not my genre!
It's just a kind of book that I do not like!
But they tell me I am not right
Thriller isn't something good now
It's full of twists that I just doooon't care about!
The books don't keep me up at niiiight

Writers always tell me,
be careful what you read
Don't go around breakin' those book spines
And readers always tell me
Got a book you're gonna love
No matter what they do
I refuse to read to you cuz

Thriller just is not my genre
It's just a kind of book that I do not like!
But people say I'm just not riiiight

7:11 AM  

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