Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I'm just so freakin' excited...

Last night at practice we scrimmaged as teams for the first time since a really long time ago. (I can barely remember last week, what do you want from me with specifics?) Also, we've been starting the pack on the wrong side of the rink, so the refs made us start from the opposite side. This served to give me some butterflies, because I suddenly realized we're bouting in less than 12 days.

I also got nervous because the JC team would huddle up and strategize and stuff. In typical Nightmare fashion we responded by lazing about and not discussing strategy at all. Well, I proposed a strategy ("Hey, I think we should try to get OUR jammer through, and keep THEIR jammer back") but it wasn't taken very seriously... Also some key Nightmares weren't there, and we had one Nightmare coaching the Jersey Fresh, so we only had one alternate.

But then we started and it just became fun. I know I've gotten better - usually I feel like I do one useful thing per practice, last night I think I did two. Awesome! And I got sent to the penalty box once, wah wah waaaaah. But as a team we did ok and it was generally invigorating. I'm rilly getting excited about our bout!

AND, my new wheels'n'bearings are on their way... EEEE! I'm totally psyched. May 11th, y'all. Bring. It. On. Oh no, it's already been BROUGHTEN.


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