Thursday, July 03, 2008


So I strained my back on Sunday night during our 30 minute half-time bout, which happened in the middle of the first -ever 60 minute men's roller derby bout. (Historic!) I skated, I stopped skating, and then all was pain and confusion. Thanks to some kind derby sisters, I and my car were driven home, and I hobbled to the doctor on Monday.

My doctor's office: three blocks from my house. Time it took me to walk there: 30 minutes. Srsly. I took very very tiny steps. In retrospect I should have called a cab, but that seemed silly, until I was halfway there and realized it wasn't silly at all. The doc gave me scrips for NSAIDs and muscle relaxants and Xrays. 

The troubling thing was how long the pain stuck around. It was waking me up - I'd take some pills, fall asleep for an hour, tops, and then wake up again. The hell? It was scary. 

I'm not known for my patience at the best of times, so this week seemed reaaaally long. I got the X rays done - wow that machine is buzzy and clanky. I spent a lot of time on my back watching Battlestar Galactica, Season 3. Ever so gradually the pain diminished. Today the doc said the X rays look fine. I scheduled a followup for next week anyway to get a referral to physical therapy. 

In conclusion, a back is a terrible thing to strain. The end.


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