Monday, March 23, 2009

I Call Do Over

Last week I had a not so good, fairly unproductive day at work. I came home and allowed as how I wanted a do-over. The next day I came in early and got lots done, so the do-over worked.

Now I'd like to call a do-over on the last five days. I didn't write and I ate a ton. A ton!

Instead o' writing, I watched Serenity and Firefly and a doc on Hulu about the folks who dress up as superheros and take pictures with tourists on Hollywood Boulevard for tips. I enjoyed it, but new stuff ain't written, and drafts ain't revised.

The eating thing... I had a sales lunch on Wednesday. Salesfolk have a budget for wooing clients, and said wooing involves swag and taking clients out to lunch at nice places. Our salesman took us to Clyde's, which has an extensive and delicious menu. Calamari was ordered, and while I could have had a nice salad, I opted for the cheesy shrimp and grits, cuz I don't get free lunches that often and I'm not going to waste them on lettuce.

Then on Friday the hobbits invited me to go with them to Outback, cuz they had a gift card. Bloomin' Onions were ordered, and cheesecake for dessert. It seems I have no bravery in the face of restaurants.

Saturday was pancakes with Atomicate day. We went to the O.G. Pancake joint, and come on. Like I'm not going to have pancakes at the pancake place.

The final straw was seeing Watchmen on Sunday. Lil' Italiand Redhead snuck in a bag of Cadbury chocolate eggs and I got a bunch of popcorn. I have no justification here, other than I was hungry and I like popcorn and those chocolate eggs are rilly good.

So this week is going to be a do-over. It's back to nightly writing and salads. So say we all.


Blogger atomic cate said...

oh god but the pancakes were good. and sorry about the forceful crepe. i realized later i should've shown some restraint in your company.

10:40 AM  

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