Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I saw the creepiest Murphy Brown ever this morning

I'm having trouble waking up lately. One of the ways I ease myself into consciousness, when just the alarm ain't enough, is to turn on the TV. Most TV that's on at 5am is pretty sucky, so the suckiness of the shows usually goads me into getting up and getting away from TV.

So this morning the plan was to get up early to work out, so the alarm went off and I wasn't having it, and resorted to turning on Murphy Brown on Nick at Nite, because apparently 5am is still 'nite', and it was this episode where Murphy and the balding guy go to some small town for a special interest story, and their plane loses three of their engines so they think they're going to die. There's a lot of unfunny back and forth about being in first class and the stewardess throwing pillows around and the pilot running around in fear... I tend to think most of Murphy Brown is unfunny so this was all as usual. But then, right as Murphy and the guy are leaning over in their seats to prepare for death, the scene slows down like a VCR tape losing traction, with the voices getting deeper and lines across the screen and everything, and then, superimposed over this, there's a flash-back scene. So, Murphy's getting all deep-creepy voiced and superslowly bending down while a ghostly little girl appears in the background. It was like The Ring. I was all, what the hell? Did Nick at Nite mess up the tape and also start running another show? Is my TV haunted?

But, it was just a flashback. THAT's how they faded into the flashback. And after Murphy's flashback the dude had one and the transition was the same. CREEPY. I turned it off because I was creeped out. So I have no idea if Murphy and her bud survived. I'm assuming they didn't and it was the show ender. Altho', she didn't have her controversial baby yet in this episode, so maybe it wasn't.


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