Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Phase 2 of Hippy Alternative Medicine Crap: Biofeedback!

I heart Itunes - yesterday I bought two guided meditation mp3's. Both are by Dr. Kimeron Harding, a psychologist. One is specifically to get to sleep and the other is for general relaxation. I did them both yesterday, and I completely approve. 

My criteria for choosing a guided meditation recording were that it not have anything to do with yoga, and that it not be too, you know, gay. I was also kind of hoping for some storytelling/abstract imagery (something like, 'imagine the tension is a big yellow balloon, and you can feel it pulling at you until you let it go and it gently rises into the air'... ok, that is kind of gay) but Dr. K does more of the 'think about the muscles of your forehead, eyes and temples, and now let them relax' type of stuff. In the end though I think it's all about following the voice, and regardless of if you follow the instructions by the letter, just focusing on the voice allows you to relax. Or I was able to relax anyway.

I listened to the sleep one before going to sleep. I didn't exactly drop off in the middle, but as soon as it was over I did. Success? Maybe. It's not like I have a lot of insomnia issues, but it was still nice. 

The music is typical new-agey hippy stuff, but I'm ok with that. It's windchime-heavy, for sure. 


Blogger Renpup said...

Oooh, I need to get me some of that guided meditation stuff, but for birthing.

"Imagine that your baby is dropping...dropping through the birth canal and being guided toward the light of life by a tiny, golden are dialiting...opening like a flower in bloom..."

Okay, that's kinda gay too. But I agree that focusing on the voice does help you relax. I'm all for relaxation!

5:29 AM  
Blogger walkinhomefromthethriftstore said...

Yeah, the best thing about the sleep one is the warning, "Do not listen to this while driving or operating heavy machinery." Like you could new age yourself to injury.

Dialating, is that like using a rotary phone to expand your wagina? EW!

1:36 PM  

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