Saturday, July 26, 2008


So I can walk again, yay! And drive. Woohoo! I haven't tested how long/far I can walk, but I drove to my PT appointment and to pick up MRI results, and my hip is complaining today, but not too badly. I give it a 4 out of 10. 

MRI says I can has herniated disc and nerve impingement, surprise surprise. Most likely I will continue with present course of conservative treatment. 

Current course of treatment includes letting third year acupuncture interns stick me with disposable needles. I got it done for the first time last week. Two interns and one teacher asked me a bunch of questions, and then poked and prodded to find out where the pain is. Ultimately they decided my gall bladder meridian has too much chi (or too little, I'm not really sure how that works) and so they stuck about 30 pins in my back, neck, hands and feet. A couple of the pins stung a bit, and I couldn't feel the rest. Then they threatened to electrify the pins, but I wasn't quite ready for that. They left the pins in for 20 minutes and then came back and took them out.

Did it help? I'm not sure. The sensation along my sciatic avenue did change from pain to ticklishness, and as I said I have been feeling better, but who knows how significantly the acupuncture helped. After a few days I did notice that my digestion has improved. I have two more appointments scheduled, so perhaps I'll just see what's what later on. 


Blogger atomic cate said...

before they needled you with needles, they needled you with questions?

chi imbalance: the silent menace.

i got stuck with needles once and all i got was this lousy tattoo.

it's better that you're better, but will be bestest when you're bestest! yay feeling better!

9:07 AM  

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