Friday, August 01, 2008

Not Really Dark Knight Spoilers

So, I just saw Teh Dark Night today, feenalmente. I have to say, I think Katie Holmes made a better Rachel Dawes. I'm surprised to find myself writing that, cuz usually the Gyllenhal is pretty damn awesome, but in this crazy action-packed explosion movie, she kinda seemed like she was phoning it in. Crazy, right? I know. It's nuts. What is happening to me and the world. But for reals, I just liked Katie Holmes more. 

Also, I think the reason I liked Batman: Beginnings is because it featured so much delicious nutritious Christian Bale. He is mmm mmm tasty. Gravelly voice, attractively wrinkled features, soulful wounded eyes... you can't get ANY of that when he's in the batsuit! And he's in the batsuit for way too much of Dark Knight. But there was a preview for another movie starring Christian Bale, which I'm totally going to see, cuz I'll see that kid in anything. 

On the plus side: Aaron Eckhart. Hell to the yeah! I have hearted Aaron E. since Thank You For Smoking, and it was a delightful surprise for him to get so much screen time. His face is completely fascinating - no other face so perfectly embodies the phrase 'Gosh darn it, kids, let's put on a show!' I think he's a pretty good actor too, altho' a lot of his acting is just him sort of pointing his face at the camera. 

Of course of course tragically post-mortem'd Heath Ledger was amazing. That was not a surprise since we've all known he was amazing since Brokeback Mountain. I liked this version of The Joker, but found myself distractedly comparing him to the Jack Nicholson one. Both versions work, and I'm actually glad they're playing fast and loose with the origin stories - adhering too closely to the accepted version of a fantasy stifles creativity. 

Overall impressions - there were many moments that made me squeamish and have to cover my eyes and cringe away. I'm not sure if the movie was really that gross/violent or if I've become less immune to movie violence (possibly because of roller derby?) but there it is. And, um, well, overall... I was a little bored. Yeah. I said it. It was formulaic, and while I loves me some formula, I wasn't comfortably reassured this time. And yeah, it was 'dark'. Dark and kind of hackneyed. Yeah, I said that too. And as usual, too many villains! Too many devices! Too many essplosions! 

The secondary characters, Alfred and Lucius, who I prefer to call Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman, still ruled. So basically I guess I just want to watch the Bruce Wayne show. Can that be arranged? 


Blogger Jeff said...

DOOD! Why am I the only one who loved the crap from this movie?!

Oh right: 'Cause I'm me.

No dissing the "Bat-Sonar"? C'mon, WHFTTS. I need a needle from you on that.

6:31 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

"I was always kind of partial to Roy Rogers, myself..."

9:10 AM  

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