Monday, November 27, 2006

aaaarg - weight

So, Mind by Mattel and I are gettin' back on the weight watchers train after slacking for a few weeks. My goal is to lose 4-6 by Christmas. I also want to add a couple of gym days to my work out schedule, which right now consists only of rollerskatin' and running.
The first big challenge was actually getting on the scale this morning - I really really really didn't want to. But, the damage wasn't tooooo bad- 164. So if I can get to 158 or 160 in the next couple o' weeks, that'd be super-aweresome.
Anyways, I'm glad M.B.M. agreed to do this with me, so yay!
I have rollerbskating tonight and then I'm going to the gym tomorrow no matter what. No matter what, I say.


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