Thursday, November 02, 2006


So I went to get a manicure last night after work and my new fave strip mall place, Angel Tips. The name makes me laugh and it's two minutes from work, (it's next to the Baja Fresh and Pantera that I go to almost every day now, ah lunch-laziness) and they have 12 dollar 10 minute massages, and get this, a manicure's 10 dollars, holy wow! Anyroo, I went there, and it was a Chinese place, and one of the ladies asked me for help pronouncing the word 'legislative.' We said it together a few times, and then I asked my manicurist (her name-tag said 'Anna'. I wonder if they get to pick their own American names or if they get given them by their boss.) if she was studing for citizenship, and she said, "No, she study become American."
This follows closely on a conversation I had with a guy who moved here with his family from Portugal when he was seven. His folks had just taken the citizenship test, and he was telling me various and sundry facts about American history that I as a lazy spoiled born-here American didn't know or forgot. Like, we only sing the first stanza of the National Anthem, turns out the damn thing has three more. And the one I felt stupid for, I forgot why John Hancock means signature, I mean I knew he was a signer but I forgot that he signed it largest. Portuguese guy then guilted me about being a lazy slack American who doesn't appreciate my country. Which is so not true, but you know. It's the privilege of the more recent immigrant to guilt-trip the less recent one.
Breakfast time!


Blogger Renpup said...

We are totally going to that nail place for more girly nail thymes when I come and visit!

A Chinese woman in my office who is taking the citizenship test was quizzing people about who we fought in WWII. This other woman was all, "I wasn't born then, how the hell should I know?" Indeed. How the hell should anyone be expected to know what happened prior to their birth?

5:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the woman was all traumatized by finding out that her parents had TEH SEX before she was born, so traumatized that she forgot everything else.
If they really wanted to make the citizenship test reflect degree of knowledge about America, shouldn't it involve things like being able to buy a Big Gulp and a hot dog at Seven-Eleven (points deducted for cringing in horror at the salt and sugar content), compare American Idol contestants past and present, and put up with TSA inanities without fantasizing about filling your luggage with snakes?

5:57 AM  
Blogger walkinhomefromthethriftstore said...

I agree! We SHOULD make citizenship applicants watch Snakes On A Plane!

6:39 AM  

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