Friday, November 17, 2006

I'm really glad this year is almost over

I'm usually not that excited about the new year. I'm not exactly excited about this one either, but I am kind of glad to say goodbye to 2006. Looking back on it, it kinda sucked. Lots of good things came out of it, but still, the thought that comes up most when I look back on it is, "Whoa. Glad THAT'S over."
Here's a recap of the suckitude that was 2006:
-head start suckitude: 2005 two-days-before Thanksgiving breakup by email that ruined my holidays. Was still crying about it in the car on my birthday in February.
-Promotion leading to evil bitch other supervisor feeling threatened and being evil bitch to me, leading to many work-place headaches that could have been avoided if she'd kindly jumped of a f*cking bridge
-Fave boss left for life-changing sabbatical, leaving dumbass boss in her place. I tried to use him as a human shield between me and evil bitch supervisor, when he wasn't in his office trading stocks with his door shut.
-Entire group got laid off, but we still had to work for three months after we got the news
-Decided to move to New Jersey. Stressed so hard about it that I gained back 10 pounds I'd lost on Jenny Craig
-Moved to New Jersey, cried for two months straight because I missed my friends, missed my family, and everything seemed weird. And I couldn't eat any of the awesome food cuz I was still dieting.
-Zero luv axxxion for 12 months. Good golly Miss Molly, I think I've been re-virginized.

Now, the good news is, all is now ice cream and puppies and sunshine. The shock and awe of the last year has led to lots o' surprises: cool new peeps, actually liking New Jersey, actually liking NEWARK of all places, roller derby, and all kinds of other tasty goodness. Also, the bright spot in the madness was the Pinchloaf nuptuals, so Pinchloaves, don't think I'm disparaging your blessed union - it was the light at the end of a dark tunnel for me. I wish you could get married every year.
So yay 2007! I look forward to rocking it Skarzipan style.


Blogger Renpup said...

It makes me really happy to "hear" that you're feeling happier in spite of understandably wanting to be over and done with this year. I'm really proud of you for hanging in there. Another bright spot--I'm coming to seeeee you later to toooddaaaaaay! Wooo!

5:57 AM  

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