Friday, December 08, 2006

I am really really cool

I'm really cool. Here's why.

I'm smart, but I'm not obnoxious about it. I read books, and blogs, and newspapers, and I listen to NPR, but I'm not all, "hey, listen to me, I'm a smarty mcsmartpants, listen to me babble about string theory."

I'm interested in the minutiae of your life. Or, even if I'm not that interested, I'll fake it and through faking I'll usually find that I actually become interested. So you spent your Sunday night organizing your dvd's by color and subject rather than by alphabet, because you're a more visual than literary? INteresting. No really.

I show up for stuff. Wanna go see a movie? Sure, I'm down. Going shopping for belt buckles? Yeah, why not. Going dancing? Grab a beer? Bite to eat? Intramural volleyball? Ice skating? YES. I'm IN. And with a minimum of fuss. Just tell me where and what time and how much money to bring with.

I'll spot you for coffee. Seriously, it's no trouble.

I am physically attractive. Yeah, it matters. I work out, and I take time with my hair, and I wear makeup on days that I want to be extra attractive, and I'm generally cute to look at. I look good in a fuzzy hat and scarf. I have awesome legs, and the breastasess are also tiiiiiight.

I don't have to be the center of attention.

I eat with my mouth closed.

I'm awesome in the sack.

I will probably be able to make you laugh, unless you're dumb. If you are dumb, I won't make you feel dumb. At least not on purpose.

If I have a problem, I'll bitch about it, but not forever. Within a reasonable amount of time I will seek to correct said problem.

If you have a problem, I'll listen to you bitch about it. I'll suggest things that might help. If I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, I'll just try to listen sympathetically. If you've been bitching about it for a really long time, I'll nicely tell you to get off your ass and do something about it already.

I try new stuff, even if I'm not sure I'll be good at it right away. I'll even try new stuff that I'm reasonably sure I won't be good at for a long time.

I'm really good at consuming pop culture.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All true. Every g*dd*mn word of it. Who rocks? Kiki ROCKS!

1:23 PM  
Blogger Renpup said...

I concur as well. I do appreciate the fact that you have, on more than one occassion, spotted me for coffee (or a beer, or ice cream, know, there was a good 4 years there where I was pretty strapped and you were more than generous).

The other things are also more than true. Not only are you super-cool, but you're an awesome friend to boot!

5:20 AM  

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