Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ow, my most of me!

Despite all of the roller skating, I've gotten thoroughly marshmallowfied. In an attempt to rectify this sad state of affairs, I:
-took a weight lifting/cardio class on Saturday
-walked to the Gap and back and then took an abs class on Sunday
-went to practice last night and skated for an hour and a half

So now today I'm SO FREAKIN' SORE!

The abs class in particular did me in, and I'm having trouble sitting up straight, and it hurts to sneeze.

Tonight: cardio kickboxing.

Friday, May 25, 2007

2 Nights, 2 Apocalypse Dreams

Wednesday night, I dreamed I was driving into the city with someone who works at my office (I know her, but I don't actually work with her) to take a dance class of some sort. We got lost in Hoboken, and then I looked to my left and there was a huge mushroom cloud over the city. It was very impressive. Of course because it was a dream the girl and I were like, uhhh... so I guess dance class is off? Uh....

Then last night I dreamed that the world had been encased in a bubble and the seas covered the bubble. At first everyone was smug and happy because we'd enbubblified the world and ruled the seas. Everyone had decorative smaller pools filled with goldfish, and we could all watch the huge schools of fish outside the Earth bubble. Also, there were people who looked human, but were actually fish people, and were emissaries for the fish who lived in the seas outside the bubble.

All was well until the people noticed the goldfish in the decorative inside bubbles were looking at the people in a hungry and unfriendly manner. Then the fish emissaries got more menacing, and started asking everyone for their ID's everywhere they went. In the dream one of the fish emissaries accidentally on purpose smashed my glasses.

Then I woke up, so I don't know how the fish regime story ended up... I can only assume that eventually the fish smashed the bubble and ate the people. The end.

Ring the Alarm!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Firefighters vs. Cops

As long as there have been dweebs with nothing to do, there have been blank vs. blank questions. Who would win in a fight, Freddy or Jason? (According to the movie, Freddy, mostly.) Alien or Predator? (I didn't see that one but I think it was Predator.) Katie Couric or Diane Sawyer? (depends on if it's mud-wrestling or pie-eating; if the former, Katie, if the latter, Diane. Come on, you know she's a secret binge-purge queen.)

And now we get to find out in Garden State Roller Girl world if it's to be the Fire Foxes or the Justice Betties. We pulled names from a helmet last night to make up the teams, and I'm a Fire Fox. June 8th, we shall throw down! A portion of the proceeds will go to Newark Emergency Services.

Newark needs lots of emergency services. Last night on my way to practice I saw a guy getting cuffed by two uniformed officers and a plain-clothes cop. Then on my way home I had to get out of the way of three fire trucks. Newark chock full of naughtiness perpetrators and is highly flammable. So everyone should definitely come out to support Newark EMS.

It's gonna be kind of hard to skate carrying the hose tho'... (snicker. hose.)

More Mickle Family Winnahs

So, whiles I have been whining and complaining about various roller skating related difficulties, my sister has been quietly becoming a cow-girl. That's right, she can rope and steer and brand 'em. And she win prizes doing it! Yeeeeeee-haw!

Check it: http://3pennyjane.blogspot.com/2007/05/post-show-wrap-up.html

So cool.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Hee hee hee hee

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Less TV Project Continues

Yesterday I came home and again didn't turn on any TV. I sat and read Lizard Music by Daniel Pinkwater for a bit, and then decided a nice nap might be in order. I set my alarm for 8pm and took the most transcendentally amazing nap ever. I had my window next to my bed open, letting in the rain-smellin' air, and I think the bed actually floated up and flew away past a cartoon smiling moon.

Then I got up and went to practice, where the incredibly amazing Joy Collision guest-coached. I can't even describe how awesome she is. I will say that she jab-blocked Belle in the hip and Belle was knocked off her feet and rolled, and I've never seen that ever.

I thought I might have problems going to sleep after two hours of sprinting, drills and scrimmaging, but it was no problem at all.

Tonight? Well, Grey's Anatomy is on. And The Office. And I'm definitely feeling another nap might be in order... it's an exciting life that I live, no doubt.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

No, really, I can quit any time. Any. Time.

So, yesterday I got stuck in traffic on the way home, and my plan had been to hit the grocery store on my way home and then launch into an evening of TV-free productivity, but after being stuck in traffic I was grumpy and I really had to pee. So I went home instead of to the grobery sto'.

And then, I did NOT immediately turn on the TV. In fact I picked up a novel I'd been re-reading, The Book of the Dun Cow, by Walter Wangerin. It's quite gewd, I reccomend it. It's a Christian fable of sorts. Anyroo, after that, I did turn on the TV... and The Simpsons was a Halloween episode, and you know I can't miss that.

And then, last night was just not a good night to go cold turkey from TV. I had to watch the Gilmore Girls series finale, and then Veronica Mars because when people say TV is crap they can't possibly mean Veronica Mars.

Tonight'll be different tho', I swear. Things will get done, TV will stay off. Possibly, a nap will be taken. I can't say for sure tho'.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sugar-free pudding is not a good yogurt substitute

I thought it'd make a nice change, but it's just too weird. It's not enough like food. So tonight it's back to the store for yogurt.

It's back to a lot of things this week - last night it was back to reality as we had our first endurance practice in way too long. My wheels make a big difference in my skating, but it's still hard work when you get right down to it. Lots of laps and hopping and leaning and skating on one leg equaled me hitting snooze seven times this morning.

Also it's back to focusing on eating healthy food. My post-bout menu included: cinnamon rolls, pistachio ice cream, a huge smiley-face iced sugar cookie, mushroom and pepper pizza, and cheesy bread. Post-bout exercise included walking downstairs to pay the pizza guy and getting up to grab the remote.

I'm considering a TV fast. I watch too much TV, and with work, I find I'm staring at a glowing screen for the majority of my day. No beer and no TV make Homer go crazy, but I think I need it, maybe. Sweet soothing TV, I'll miss you.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

First GSRG Bout Ever!!!

The day of the bout dawned overcast and drizzly. This is because I had family and friends visiting, of course - Thursday, Saturday and Sunday were sparklingly clear and gorgeous. But it's cool, I'm not mad... I spent the day being extremely chill and doing the few pre-bout errands I had to do. Wash sports bra, shorts, and blue-striped socks, check. Purchase fishnets at Target, check. Mend uniform which ripped a little during dress rehearsal, check. Clean out car so guests will have somewhere to sit that isn't old diet coke bottles, check.

I wasn't nervous as much as vaguely worried. Our 'dress rehearsal' run took a while to get started, and I wanted to make sure I was used to my new wheels, so I skated for the time that we were getting set up, which was about two hours, and afterwards I thought maybe I should have slacked more. But mostly I just tried not to think about it.

My sister, El Jeffe and G-Money came in on the 4:26 train from da cite'. I took them on the driving tour of scenic rich Montclair, and they ooh'd and aah'd appropriately. (Thanks guys.) Even my sister, who's seen it before. Then I tried to take them to Raymond's, but it wasn't open, so we went accross the street to the cafe that's also good but whose name I never remember. Raymond's is quickly becoming the Mama's Zu of Montclair - awesome food, never open when out of towners come in. (And that says most of what you need to know about Mama's Zu, which is in Richmond, VA.)

Then we hung out for a few minutes at mi casa, and then headed over to the rink. When we got there various Nightmares and B'n'Pers were hanging out outside. The rink staff wasn't letting us in until 7pm on the dot when the previous open skate session was done. El Jeffe was volunteering so he went off to do Eva Fangoria's will and get a nifty GSR Staff thingy.

So exactly at 7pm we moseyed in. I personally did nothing helpful during setup, and El Jeffe, who was supposed to be taking tickets, was relegated to the Relay for Life table. Which was kind of cool because it meant he got to see the first part of the bout with G-money and my seester.

I still wasn't nervous. I was just excited that our first bout was happening, and going so smoothly. Ok, we did get started a few minutes late; apparently the ticket taking process was kind of slow. (See what happens when you relegate El Jeffe to the Relay for Life table? Put the man where he can do some good! He takes tickets like a mofo, I'm sayin'.)

But then they started intro's, eeeee! JC B'n'P skated out for theirs, and then we skated out for ours, and it was the coolest feeling ev-ar. So, so, rad. And then a teeny tiny time later the bout started. I skated pivot and was in the third jam. I have to say, I thought I'd be nervous, I thought I'd be slow, I thought Layla Smackdown would knock me down a lot, but the whole first period passed in a glorious fun blur. I had a blast. I didn't get knocked down, I knocked a jammer out of bounds one time, and I assisted our jammer one time. It ruled.

And during the first break I found out my roommate and the woman who owns the house I live in came out too! Yay! That was really cool. El Jeffe and G-money and my sister were having a good time too. It was rad.

So, we established a strong lead during the first period, but during the second, JC B'n'P rallied and scored some points on us. I have to say, huge props to them. They were only skating with SEVEN girls, thanks to unforseen circumstances and some people who said they'd help out and then didn't, and they really skated heart and soul.

We had a bunch of refs from other leagues helping out, which was awesome too. We had a bunch of skaters go to the penalty box, and the cool part was the refs came over during breaks to tell skaters what they were fouling on and had to watch out for. I didn't get called out to the penalty box at all, and while I skated the least of anyone I still think that's pretty cool.

So the second period was tiring, and during the break Jenna von Fury insisted we stay on the benches and rest up and come hard during the third period. We did and it worked; our jammers were really tired but we scored a bunch more points. I can't imagine how tired the JC B'n'Pers must have been.

I can't remember much about specific jams or skaters. I was caught up in it, and getting ready for the next time I had to skate, and watching the crowd. I know Belle skated really well, as she always does, and I know Eva Fangoria had a brilliant jam as well. At one point Jenna Jammitin tried to check Jenna von Fury and von Fury just side stepped it and it was amazing. I know I was knocked out with two other girls at one point and hit my head and was happy that I had a helmet. I know I was checked a couple of times by Layla and Jenna J. and didn't fall, which was amazing.

We won. In hindsight it was not a fair fight at all, but I'm honored that JC B'n'P didn't give up at all at any point, and because they brought their A game the win didn't feel cheap. The victory lap was really fun. I'm really looking forward to September, when they're going to come for us with a vengeance.

I'm really proud that the bout went well, too. A lot of fans came out, there were no major catastrophes, and we cleaned up after ourselves and got out in good time. Hopefully we've started some buzz, and those people will come back for our fundraiser bout in June. I think it's going to be a great season.

Saturday of course I felt like I'd been hit by a truck, and I wasn't good for anything but watching TV and taking naps, and I'm STILL sore, but it's all worth it. Back to practice tomorrow night!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dance of the upgrades

Yes, tomorrow is the big night, the night I've been waiting for since I first donned my crappy $40 Cobra skates in September '06. Am I nervous? Off and on. Yesterday I was pretty jumpy, and I have had dreams about things going wrong, but they're not major anxiety dreams, they're more like, 'I am at the rink, but I have forgotten to bring water! I wake up and realize it's not my job to bring water.' or, 'I have forgotten to give my intro to the announcers! I wake up and remember that I did give my intro to the announcers.' In other words, meh, snore, whatever.

Last night I got to skate on my new wheels, too, finally. One of the fresh meat girls asked me how I liked them, and tried to get me into a discussion of subtle wheel differences. I couldn't participate. I don't know from subtleties, because every upgrade I've made has been major. Here's how it went:

September '06. I decide to try roller derby. Like almost all of my decisions, it's based on an impules-buy: I go to Sports Authority and buy the Cobra skates. Later I learn that these are the worst skates you can possibly buy. This is ok because I am the worst skater you can possibly imagine. I take lessons and struggle at practices. A ref points out that I'm putting in a lot of effort and getting back no speed, and maybe this is because my wheels are crap.

I buy skateboard wheels and Bones Swiss bearings at a local skate shop. Bones Swiss are the bestest bearings you can get, and the wheels are so much better. I put them on my crappy Cobra skates and can finally complete a weave drill at practice.

The blister on my instep is starting to hamper my ability to walk in normal shoes. I start looking at the first skates designed specifically for roller derby: the Riedell 265's. My sister gets 'em for me for Christmas. I put the skateboard wheels with Bones Swiss bearings on my new 265's and enjoy the fact that I don't have to break the skates in at all, and I can actually adjust the trucks so that I can lean into turns.

I think I'm done with upgrades, but I'm still the slowest skater. With the bout fast approaching I order the orange/blue Fugitive combo of wheels from Sin City. They are shipped UPS Ground, so I don't get them until Tuesday. On Wednesday, Belle shows me how to pop the bearings out of my skateboard wheels with a flat-head screwdriver and put them in my new wheels with a pair of needlenose pliers.

So, each upgrade has been major: the worst wheels for skateboard wheels, cardboard and plastic shoes for specially designed derby boots, skateboard wheels for Fugitives. I'm a bit faster. I'm still the slowest skater.

But there are these new bearings... The Bones Super 6... the bearings have larger balls (heh) and only 6 instead of 7, so they have less friction and pick up speed faster and go faster...

Monday, May 07, 2007

I Watched Entirely Too Much TV This Weekend

-Nanny 911. 'Nuff said.

-Lockdown! Women behind bars at South Carolina correctional facility. Many missing teeth. One roll of toilet paper per week, ew.

-Channel Thirteen show about Aretha Franklin. Holy Cannoli, she's smoking a cigarette! Granted, this was back when smoking was good for you. Also, did not know her dad was important Baptist minister, nor that she sang so often for M.L. King Jr. Coretta Scott King was so pretty back in the day. Footage of Aretha singing lame pop eary in her career while rhythmless white boys'n'girls jerkily dance around her quite amusing.

-Year of the Dog at Clairidge Cinema. Theater no longer has shaky cheese for popcorn, gyp! Molly Shannen is amazing and Oscar-worthy. Movie is just ok. Am already tired of Peter Saarsgaard.

-Fellowship of the Ring on TBS! Immediately need to see Two Towers and Return of the King.

-Is Aragorn sending Eowyn mixed messages? Or is Eowyn seeing what she wants to see? Decide both are true. Later speak with mom who says most of romance didn't exist in book.

-"I go to my Father's" - sniffle

-The Simpsons - Nappia parody. Eeeh. Simpsons are so over. Switch to:

-Shark Land! South African coast has many varieties of shark. WHOA! Seal and Shark and Bird on Sardine FEEDING FRENZY! Space out to nature for what seems like a long time.

-Masterpiece Theater! Story is about inbred English monarchy, pre-WWI. Son John is afflicted with seizures that render him gauche and tactless. Wait, maybe seizures render him autistic. Russian Monarchy portrayed as snotty white trash, as usual. Next week, War Changes Everything.

-As am drifting off to sleep, decide to watch much less TV in future.

Friday, May 04, 2007

I'm sorry Mac'n'Chee, I think it's over between us

I used to have a very simple relationship with Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, and the generic equivalents of same. It used to be my go-to food narcotic: if I was sad, or lonely, or had just woken up from a nap, I new I could grab a 49C box of tiny rattly noodles, and 7 minutes later add a little milk and a lot of butter and shake out some neon-orange cheese, mix it all up, and voila. Instant orange peace and fulfilled-ness.

I knew there was some shame involved - this was not nourishing food. It was a drug made of starch and salt, a detractor of energy rather than a fueler of future good-times. As I became more aware of the effects of what I ate on how I felt, I began modifying the recipe to include less and eventually no butter and skim milk, and if my friends and I were feelin' fancy we'd add some real cheese to the mix. But really, there's nothing you can do to significantly healthify the mac'n'cheese.

So it's been at least a year and probably longer since I'd had any, until last night. I came home from work early and took a nap, and woke up post-nap grumpified. Rather than settle for the lone can of 98% fat-free chicken noodle soup in my cupboard, I hoofed it to my corner store and grabbed the familiar blue and orange box. 20 minutes later, I had a big bowl of mac'n'cheese.

And it wasn't that good. It was ok. But it just didn't deliver the goods; no drug-like effect of calming and soothing followed by guilt. Sure, I figured I'd have to work out a little bit more to work off the ill caloric effects, but basically, Mac'n'Cheese has lost its magic powers.

I'm glad to no longer be in thrall. But I'll miss the easy out. Goodbye orangy glutinous food. I'll miss you, even though we can no longer be an item.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I'm just so freakin' excited...

Last night at practice we scrimmaged as teams for the first time since a really long time ago. (I can barely remember last week, what do you want from me with specifics?) Also, we've been starting the pack on the wrong side of the rink, so the refs made us start from the opposite side. This served to give me some butterflies, because I suddenly realized we're bouting in less than 12 days.

I also got nervous because the JC team would huddle up and strategize and stuff. In typical Nightmare fashion we responded by lazing about and not discussing strategy at all. Well, I proposed a strategy ("Hey, I think we should try to get OUR jammer through, and keep THEIR jammer back") but it wasn't taken very seriously... Also some key Nightmares weren't there, and we had one Nightmare coaching the Jersey Fresh, so we only had one alternate.

But then we started and it just became fun. I know I've gotten better - usually I feel like I do one useful thing per practice, last night I think I did two. Awesome! And I got sent to the penalty box once, wah wah waaaaah. But as a team we did ok and it was generally invigorating. I'm rilly getting excited about our bout!

AND, my new wheels'n'bearings are on their way... EEEE! I'm totally psyched. May 11th, y'all. Bring. It. On. Oh no, it's already been BROUGHTEN.